Sunday, March 29, 2009

The government solution

Geithner on the Sunday talk shows: "The market will not solve this."

Yes, of course the market will not solve this economic crisis because it is not being given a chance. Except for the deregulation or Reagan in the early 1980s, the market hasn't been allowed to work us out of a recession, depression, or panic in over nearly a hundred years (the last time was in 1921).

Geithner added: "And the great risk for us is we do too little, not that we do too much."

SARCASM ALERT: I totally agree! Federal government spending has gone from 19% to 28% of GDP, but that is not nearly enough. I think it should go to 40 or even 50%. Heck, why not 100%? Remember, "the great risk for us is we do too little, not that we do too much." So government spending accounting for 100% of GDP should alleviate that concern.